Cigar Memories is a hosted mobile cigar bar catering to your special event
Ensuring special moments last forever
Ensuring special moments last forever
Some of the most special memories
in my life have been spending time sharing cigars with friends, family, and coworkers. My goal in creating Cigar Memories is to bring that experience to others during their own special occasion.
Weddings, Corporate Events, Golf Outings,
Private Parties, Employee Appreciation, Special Occasions
I work closely with each client to deliver a customized cigar bar experience for their occasion. During the event, Cigar Memories with white glove service will help choose the right cigar, cut, and light so folks can relax and enjoy. We can provide information and education around their specific cigar and the industry.
Cigar Memories service is charged per hour (2 hour minimum and no charge for setup or breakdown). The cost for the premium hand made cigars provided for your event will be chosen in quantity and price during a scheduled planning discussion. My goal is to deliver an experience that is customized to your desired outcome for the event.
Call us today to inquire how we can help make your next event memorable for everyone